About me…

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Hello there!

I joined the Romantic Novelists Association in the 1990s, and submitted manuscripts annually to their New Writers Scheme, a unique scheme through which aspiring romantic novelists receive a critique from published authors offering valued guidance and advice. Years of trying and a drawer full of rejections, later, I came through the Scheme to win the New Writers Award (now the Joan Hessayon Award.) with Dark Canvas, my first published book.

I was born near Manchester, am married and live in Bedfordshire and have three fantastic youngsters – all adults now – but still close by.

I worked in the local mobile Housebound library for nine wonderful years, and then was re-deployed to a local library until 2014. When the huge cutbacks came, I took redundancy and am taking some time to be self-employed, doing what I love best – escaping into the writing world with a head full of dreams and story themes.

I hope you  enjoy your visit, please feel free to leave your contact email and say hi, and have a look at my Facebook author page and say hello on Twitter, or just have a look around.


Twitter     @juliawildauthor

Instagram: juliawildauthor

